An All-in-One quick and easy-to-use product for repairing and restoration of leather items. It re-colours scratches and rubs, restores colourant coat and damaged areas on leather. Perfect for leather repair and restoration at home.
Its unique characteristics:
- Perfect elasticity and flexibility;
- High wear resistance;
- Increased covering power;
- Simple in use.
Applied for: automobiles, furniture, aviation, marine, shoes, bags, leather goods.
Leather types: pigmented leather, synthetic leather, aniline leather, semi-aniline leather.
Brand: LeTech
Manufacturer: LeTech International Ltd (UK)
Storage: Store in a tightly closed container in a dry ventilated area, avoid direct sunlight. Temperature 5 - 35 °C, relative humidity of no more than 80%.
Shelf life: 2 years from the production date.
The Leather Colour Restorer is an innovative simple use product that will allow you to restore the original colour of leather and remove minor scratches and rubs on leather.
The Leather Colour Restorer EXPERT LINE is perfect for:
- Automotive leather;
- Furniture;
- Leather shoes and clothes;
- Leather goods.
Not suitable for suede and nubuck.
When applied to the surface, the product is very flexible and will never cause cracking. It remains elastic without changing the leather structure.
The Leather Colour Restorer's unique composition includes: Adhesion promoter + Leather colourant + Top coat + Feel modifiers. This allows to get a perfect result with great tactile characteristics of the leather surface.
To enhance the durability and wear resistance of the coating, it is recommended to mix the Leather Colour Restorer with Cross-Linker X (10-20% of the mixture).
The Leather Colour Restorer is perfect for colouring both natural and synthetic leather.
The advantages of the Leather Colour Restorer EXPERT LINE:
- Creates an elastic coating resistant to wear, water, aggressive media and environmental effects;
- Colour durability and stability, resistance to UV radiation and other aggressive media and environment;
- Great decorative properties preserve the softness of leather without creating a film on the restored surface;
- High adhesion which allows using the product both for natural and synthetic leather;
- The product is recommended as a covering colourant both for repair and colouring of minor defects on leather and for complete re-colouring of an item;
- Environmentally friendly;
- Meets the latest standards of leather production.
The process of colouring leather consists of several significant steps that are to be carefully followed in order to get a high-quality result.
The dyed surface must be thoroughly cleaned from dust, dirt and foreign particles using Leather Ultimate Cleaner.
In case there is strong contamination and grease in the leather, it is necessary to extract the contamination and grease using Leather Degreaser.
After thorough cleaning and surface preparation, the leather must be degreased by Leather Alcohol Cleaner or Leather Liquid Degreaser.
After the cleaning, you can move on to the application of the Leather Colour Restorer.
Shake the bottle thoroughly before application.
Application with a sponge, brush or roller: The optimum viscosity of the dye allows to apply it manually, dyeing minor spot damage on the leather surface, creating a base coat. It is recommended to apply at least 2 layers.
You can also apply the colour restorer with thin uniform coats by spraying with an airbrush or a spray gun.
Pneumatic spraying with an airbrush or a spray gun. The product can be diluted with distilled water. Nozzle diameter: 0.5 - 1.2 mm. Pressure: 1.1 - 8 bar depending on the model of the airbrush/spray gun. The compressed air must be free of water and oil. The product must be thoroughly mixed and filtered with a 190-micron filter before application.
After the application of all the coats, rinse the tools with water and if necessary use LeTech Leather Prep.